Get Your FREE 5-Day Marriage Devo

We're Mike & Carlie!

Christian Counselors, Marriage Communication Coaches, and Marriage Mentors

We know what it feels like to want deeper connection with your spouse. That's exactly where we were just a few short years ago....

Just like you, we desire a happy, fulfilling marriage.

For the past 25 years, God has been preparing us through real life experience, education, and encounters with Him to ensure that our marriage would be planted on solid ground. It was during these first two decades of marriage He taught us everything we needed for our marriage to succeed in every season of life.

Now, we both have our Master's Degrees in Counseling, several professional coaching certifications, and a calling to change culture through marriage!

Our Story...

Little did we know when we stood at the altar on our wedding day all the challenges we'd face due to the dysfunctional communication habits we witnessed between our parents. Sure, we knew that life wouldn't be easy, but we didn't understand the damage that had to be "undone" in order for us to experience a healthy, fulfilling marriage.


We also had no idea the crucial role healthy communication would play during the most difficult seasons we'd walk through as a couple.

Thankfully, God knew the entire time and would give us what we needed to overcome these dysfunctional patterns for good.

There were seasons of marriage when we struggled to communicate as we desperately tried to work through conflict and deep loss.

It was during these times we cried out to God in prayer and He showed us how to connect deeply with Him and each other through His Word.

Who would have thought God would use two first-generation Christians from broken homes to help thousands of couples around the world discover the fulfillment that lies on the other side of healthy, holy communication. We sure didn't.

But here we are. And helping you connect deeply with God and your spouse is our passion! Are you ready? Let's go!


We believe that everyone can have a healthy marriage.

We have spent the last 20+ years helping hundreds of couples just like you to achieve true connection and intimacy in marriage.
While working with some of the most difficult marriage cases you can imagine, we've learned one thing:
Everyone can have a healthy marriage if they are willing to put in the necessary work.

Your Marriage Coaches

Hello Friend! We're Michael Kercheval, M.A.
 and Carlie Kercheval, M.A., it's so nice to meet you!

We are both trained Christian Marriage Counselors, certified marriage coaches, and certified marriage mentors. We are also best-selling authors, Bible teachers, podcasters, speakers, and marriage event organizers.

We didn't grow up in Christian homes and had no example of what a godly married looked like. Neither of us actually desired to be married because of the abuse and trauma we experienced in our homes. Thankfully God had other plans for our lives!

In 1998, God gave us the mandate to help restore healthy marriages back to the Kingdom of God on this earth. We gladly accepted the call to be pioneers for godly marriage.

With God by our side, we have overcome a lot in our 24 years of marriage to include: the loss of two babies, job loss, major health issues, several years of Army combat deployment tours, PTSD and TBI diagnosis, depression, and much more.

We want to help you experience healing and deep connection in your marriage too...

Grab Our FREE Prayer & Communication Devotional

Words From Our Friends

"The Kerchevals and Marriage Legacy University helped us uncover our purpose + learn how to walk in our calling as a couple. Their coaching and courses helped us escape divorce + turn our marriage into a thriving relationship. We are so thankful!"

Jorge + Maria

"You guys helped us learn to communicate without offense and we had not done this well in over a decade. It even helped us reconcile with our oldest child while creating some new solid communication with our youngest."

Todd C.

"We had no idea that our marriage would change so drastically (for the good) when we found Marriage Legacy University. Mike and Carlie are ANOINTED BY GOD to help couples experience the fullness of the marriage God has for them. BEST INVESTMENT for our marriage!"

Ray + Sophia R.

You're 3 steps away from transforming your marriage.

And the process is simple.

Grab Your FREE 5-Day Devotional
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This 5-day devotional is designed to help you (re)connect deeply with Jesus and your beloved. These devos are perfect for couples who are tired of settling in their marriages and are ready to dig in and do the work to see the changes they desire.

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In order to get where you want to go, you must take action. Our cultivated marriage experiences are designed to help you overcome obstacles that destroy marriages. These curated adventures will help you connect deeply in every area of your marriage.

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The Marriage Legacy University Podcast allows us to partner with you and God to help guide you into His best for your marriage in this season of your lives. No matter what stage or season of marriage you're in, never forget that all things are possible with God

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It's time to stop wishing you had deeper intimacy and healthy communication with your spouse and time to start experiencing it!


More About Us


Our family has lived in seven U.S. states and two different countries.

We homeschooled all three of our children for 16 years.

We met in 1998 during our undergrad at Washington State University.